FormsBook is not designed for specific users. Everyone can use it. You can create educational forms, business forms, request forms, feedback forms, and more with just few clicks of a button. Unlike many applications that have pre-named labels, you can add a label of your choice to elements.
We have 1 day refund policy. If you for some reasons you don't want to continue using Formsbook after buying a plan and using FormsBook for a few hours, you can request your money back. You can try out the free version of FormsBook before purchasing a plan.
If you've encountered an error or you don't understand a feature, you can write to us at Make sure you go through the how to page before using FormsBook for better understanding of this application and its features. We will respond to your question within 1 or 2 hours.
FormsBook is only going to get better. The price of the paid plan is __ per month currently. We may change the price in the coming weeks.