How to use FormsBook?

From the drop down list, choose the element you want to add to the form. Now, enter the title from the element in the text box that you’ll find next to the drop down list and click the “Add to form” button. FormsBook will now generate the form and will display the same. Add new elements to the form using the same method until the form is ready. Once your form is ready, enter the name for the form in the textbox displayed below the form preview and click the “Save” button. When Formsbook saves the form, it will display a success message.

What if you don't like the current form?

Click the reset button. That's it! Once the form fields have been cleared, you have to follow the steps shared in the above paragraph to create the form. You can clear forms or recreate new one as many times as you want. As the form is not saved unless the user enters the form name and clicks the submit button, make sure that you save the form.

How to see the short urls of the forms you’ve created?

Click the My Forms button and now click the “Design” option that appears to the right of form name. FormsBook will now open a new page. This page shows the preview of the form and a shareable short URL below it. Copy the URL and share it with people from whom you want to collect data. You can share the URL on WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter or any other site/application you want.

How to see the data user has shared with you through form?

Click the My Forms option. Now click the “Data” option that appears to the right of the “Design” option. Currently, you cannot export the data. You can copy the data and paste in a spreadsheet to analyze the data.

What elements are supported by FormsBook?

Currently, FormsBook supports input box, drop down list, paragraph, text area (large text box), date, time, checkboxes, and multiple choices. In the coming weeks, FormsBook will support File uploads, images, and many other elements.

What part of the form you can customize?

As of now, you can change the form's background color, foreground color, text color, and button color. You can also change the color of the form's heading's text and background color. FormsBook applies the color customization on the fly and shows how your form looks like in real-time. To see the color customization options, log in to FormsBook and tap the "Design" option. We'll add more customization options soon.