Reducing the weight might be the primary objective or new year resolution of 1000s of people. People do various things to shed some weight. They hit the gym early in the morning, run/walk a few hundred meters, or a few kilometers, etc. To know whether the trainer is helping you or your workout/hard work is paying off, you should track your weight daily. With the free online form builder FormsBook, you can create a personal weight loss tracker within a few minutes with fields of your choice. Here’s a sample weight loss tracker form created with

The weight loss tracker form (demo URL) created with FormsBook has options to select the workout time and date of workout. It also has a text box to enter the weight on the given day and the things the person had today. Who can fill the form? Unless you share the form’s URL with other users i.e. on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc, only you can access the form. Make sure you save the URL, open/fill/submit the form every day. What if you forget to fill/submit the form on X day? This won’t be a problem as you can select the previous date with the FormsBook date selector.