When people are traveling, their vehicle may stop because of the vehicle part failure or some other technical reason. These people will looking for a garage nearby and will contact the person in charge of the garage. The mechanic/garage in charge will ask for some details from the vehicle owner via phone. An alternative way of collecting details from the user would be to create a vehicle repair form with FormsBook Form builder and share its link with the person or the place where the person found your details online i.e. social media site or business listing site. Here’s a sample vehicle repair form built using FormsBook:

Our sample vehicle repair form (URL) has a drop-down list to select the vehicle. It has one more down list to choose what’s wrong with the vehicle. This list has values – does not start, brake failure, petrol leak, oil leak, punctured tire. The form has a text field to enter the person’s name, phone number, and current location. When the person fills the vehicle repair form and clicks on the “Submit” button, FormsBook will send an email to the garage owner (form creator). The garage owner must either take the necessary tools with him to the spot or he/she must ask his worker to visit the spot with the tools, fix the vehicle, and collect the payment. You can create a different vehicle repair form or a similar with within few minutes with FormsBook.