Parents enroll their children in a preschool nearby their house or office. If the parents are planning to migrate to a new city/county and would like to put their child in a new pre-school, they’ll have to get in touch with the school administration. Whether the student is local or will migrate soon to the city, the preschool admission process will become easy if the school accepts new applications online with the help of forms. How to create an application form? The answer is FormsBook. The following preschool application form was built using the free form builder FormsBook:

Preschools may have different admission criteria. To make sure that the parents will pay fees on time, the parents might be asked to declare their salary. Some schools accept only those children that have been inoculated. Our preschool application form (demo URL) was built keeping these two criteria in the mind. The form has the option to enter the child’s name, child’s age, father’s name, mother’s name. It has a dropbox to select the profession of the father and mother.
The form has textboxes where the form filler must enter the annual income of the father and mother. It has 3 checkboxes too. If the child was administered the covid vaccine, the user must select the “received covid vaccine” checkbox. Likewise, if the child has been administered the polio and flu vaccine, the user must select the “Received flu vaccine” and “Received polio vaccine” checkboxes. With the free form builder, you can create a preschool application form like the one we’ve shared above or with options of your choice within a few seconds. What happens when the form is filled and submitted? The creator of the preschool application form will get an email.