Before starting treatment of some health condition, doctors ask patients to fill a medical history form. Instead of taking printouts of forms, sharing the form with people, and making them fill the form, clinics or hospitals can build a patient medical history form with FormsBook form builder app and share its link with people. Here’s a sample patient form created with FormsBook:

Our patient medical history form (URL) accepts the patient’s name, phone number, weight, and height. It has several checkboxes. The patient can select one or multiple checkboxes. For example, if the person is an alcoholic as well as addicted to drugs, he/she must select the checkboxes – I am an alcoholic and I have taken drugs. The medical history form also has checkboxes to select health conditions. The form allows people to choose these diseases – cancer, diabetes, arthritis, and AIDS. The list of diseases can be big. For demonstration purposes, we have added just 4 diseases to the form. The form has two radio buttons as well. If the person exercises, he/she must choose the “yes” radio option else they must select the “no” option. You can create a similar patient medical history form or a different one with custom options of your choice within few minutes with FormsBook form builder. Each time a patient fills the form and submits it, FormsBook will send an email to the form owner (doctor, clinic/hospital staff, etc).