An employee may face harassment from another employee. In some companies, employees book appointments with the management team or write a note to their superiors to get their problems addressed. A good alternative to this traditional method of handling grievances is to create an employee grievance form with the free online form builder and share the form’s URL with each and every employee of the organization. When a person is treated unfairly or is being harassed by colleagues, he/she simply has to fill the form. Here’s a sample employee complaint form created with FormsBook:

Our sample grievance form (demo URL) has options to enter the name, phone number of the complainant. It has a dropdown box to choose the department of the complaining and a textbox to enter the name/details of the harasser. The form also has an option to select the time and date of the incident. If the employee was harassed in front of another employee, the complainant can enter the name and number of the witness too. You can create a similar form with the same options or options of your choice within a few minutes or even seconds with FormsBook. To make sure the problem gets harassed quickly, FormsBook will send an email to the person who has built the form immediately. To see the list of complaints, the creator must log in to the FormsBook dashboard, click the “My Forms” button, and then click the “Data” option.