The boyfriend application form will give you an idea of what men/boys think about a female/girls (whether they meet or not). Here’s a sample form built with the free form builder FormsBook:

Our boyfriend application form (URL) accepts the name of the person. If the person wants to stay anonymous, he can enter “anonymous” in the “Your name” text field. The form has the option to enter what the person thinks about the date and the person’s hobbies. It has a radio button to select the answer to the question “Is it ok if the GF does not wanna hang out”. A person may notice something for the 1st time he meets a female. The form has a text field to enter this. It has a textbox to enter the things the person looks for in his partner. Each time someone fills the boyfriend application form, will send the form creator an email. You can create a different application form with different fields or a similar form with