If you want to attend an important event or you want to go out of the house for some hours, you may want to hire a babysitter. To find the right babysitter, you can build a custom babysitter application form with FormsBook and share its link with people on social media portals, instant messaging apps, etc. Here’s a sample form created using FormsBook:

Our sample baby sitter form (URL) has several radio buttons. The user must choose that option that applies to them. For example, if the user takes drugs, he must choose yes else he/she must select no. Similarly, if the person smokes, he/she should choose “yes” else he/she must select option no. The form has a text field to enter the ID number, contact number, and the place where the user is located. Each time a person interested to babysit your baby fills the form and submits it, you will receive an email. To find the right babysitter, you must share the form’s URL on social media sites or in groups created on instant messaging apps. With FormsBook, you can create a shareable babysitter application form with requirements of your choice within few minutes. For example, your form can have text fields to enter the expected fees/service charge, can you handle naughty children? etc.